Tuesday, September 27, 2011

March Confidently Toward Your Dreams

You, friend, are entirely capable of distinguished accomplishment. Learn to tap into your extra energy reserves and resolve to dedicate your energy to a worthy goal or objective. Then with faith and confidence in yourself, watch how far you go and how much you may well contribute to this spinning planet in space. Be a peak achiever--performer for what you believe is a burning dream in your heart. Keep your eyes on your goal daily and refuse to be sidetracked by anything or anyone.

Remember the stirring words of Henry Thoreau: "March confidently in the direction of your dreams, and you will be surprised how far you can go and how much you can accomplish." Be a willing workaholic with a clear purpose. Then your work, career, or vocation may seldom seem like work, for you are doing what you want to do...and hopefully what you love to do.

Psychologists are now inclined to believe that mental fatigue is nothing more or less than a loss of interest. It may well be that we would never become mentally tired if we kept our interest at a high pitch. The person who has found congenial work and absorbing interests, who has mastered the fine art of locking his, or her, worries in his desk by night and hurrying home to perhaps complete a happy family circle, will never grow old prematurely.

We are just beginning to comprehend the astounding and profound influence which the mind exerts in the process of growing older. Did you know that Benjamin Franklin was in his 71st year when he set out for Paris to undertake the delicate diplomatic task of negotiating an alliance between France and the United States? Most of Franlin's contemporaries had long been huddling in a warm corner, waiting for the Grim Reaper. Not Benjamin Franklin.

Franklin was 77 when he negotiated the treaty with Great Britain. This treaty made our nation a republic. Within a few months after he turned 80, Franklin was elected governor of Pennsylvania. Ben was also 81 when he once again revealed how smart he still was at the momentous convention that framed the Constitution of the United States. It was Ben Franklin again who suggested the idea of representation both by states and by population. He was a grand old man on the cutting edge of history.

Other examples come to mind too. Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes made many important Supreme Court decisions at the age of 92.

Verdi composed one of his operas at 81.

Titian began painting La Pieta when he was a young 91.

Thomas Edison was experimenting with synthetic rubber while in his nineties.

George Bernard Shaw was still writing plays at 93.

So ask yourself this key question. Will you still be on the cutting edge ten years from now? How about twenty years? Will you still be a peak achiever or performer? It's a good question. I say you will just as long as you're still marching confidently in the direction of your dreams.

For more information that will give your mind some gems to think about, GO TO:



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