Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Making the Right Decision

When and how do you know you're making the right decision? I am sure that's a question you've asked yourself many times in your life. Everyday we make hundreds of choices. From the seemingly small insignificant ones, to the big "life changing" ones, we always wonder in the back of our minds whether or not we just made the right decision.

You always hear people say to trust your intuition, or the saying, "go with your gut". I am a believer of these mottos also. Your first impression or intuition is always the best because it comes straight from the heart and hasn't had a chance to be tainted by all the non supportive thoughts floating around in our heads. Once our Ego gets a hold of the choice, it filters in our desire to perform and the views and mentality of our society. From there it is no longer pure. How many times does that little voice in your head comes in right when you're about to make a decision and add it two cents. It's there for every choice from, whether or not to enter a relationship or business deal, buying a car, which school to choose for your kids, where to go on vacation and even down to what we wear when we go out. Then after a few days, months or even years, that wrong feeling you had inside bubbles to the surface and has you questioning all over again, "Did I make the right choice?".

An example for me would be my most recent race in Utah. On the Sunday morning of the race it was pouring rain. Usually I am very good in the rain, so it was a chance for me to get some really good results against the competition. So my Ego really wanted to race and perform. However when I woke up that morning, I wasn't feeling so good inside about racing anymore. All night I had been plagued with dreams of crashing. These were in addition to a multitude of challenges and big business opportunities going on in my life throughout the past few weeks. I finally, for the first time in my racing career, forced myself to sit out and not race. I had come to the conclusion that I couldn't afford the time or energy that would come if I were to possibly crash. It was a measured concept "of Pleasure vs. Pain". The possibility of standing victorious on the podium was pleasant to my Ego, while the possibility of crashing and losing all my momentum with my speaking business, my book tour and any business opportunities with my investors, would have been more painful in the long term. So, we will never know how it might have turned out, but for me it was the right decision.

All decisions we ever make are the right ones. They happen for a specific reason. They're there to show us a lesson or teach us the value in something we need to see in our lives at that time. That may be to be more or less tolerant in our lives. To become aware if we are being too impulsive or resistant. They allow us to look at ourselves to see if we're being ourselves or looking to impress someone. What ever the lesson may be, it's there for us to get something out of it. So, the question remains, are we making the right decision? Whether you're following your first intuition or taking days to mull it over, the answer is: only time can tell and only you will know. Keep your eyes, ears and heart open for what follows and you'll always find your answer.

You can discover more about how to Win the Race of Life at:


Nadine Lajoie

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