Monday, August 29, 2011

Why Fear Increases Productivity

Fear increases productivity primarily due to its ability to instill a strong sense of purpose in people! Fearing the loss of anything we covet is one of the most intense motivating factors a person can experience! This motivation pushes you to focus your effort on doing whatever it takes to prevent your loss! Whether the fear is intentionally used such as in a work environment or the product of a random occurrence or event it strengthens your sense of purpose making your efforts more productive!

Let's look at the effect of how our fearing something can contribute significantly towards our efforts being much more productive!


It is human nature when confronted with any type of fears to do whatever we can to make these feeling go away! This is quite frankly one of the most uncomfortable feelings to experience therefore it gives you an instant sense of purpose which is to extinguish the fear! Obviously having any type of fear will compel you to focus your effort on ridding yourself of it and in many cases by doing whatever it takes!


Fears or threats are typically something that gets our immediate attention! Just as typically is a persons reaction which is to take immediate measures to fix, solve or defeat the source! In this way the actions you take have a singular sense of purpose thereby increasing your focus and making your effort or efforts all the more productive!


Possessing the intense motivation and the keen focus we discussed above only serves to strengthen our resolve in order to accomplish our immediate goal! Nobody likes the uncomfortable feeling or the mental torment of being fearful of something and nor do they want this condition to persist! With that said doing what it takes and for as long as it takes is the normally adopted attitude people take to recapture their former comfort level!

Fear increases productivity in a way that may not be all that comfortable but it is very effective nonetheless! Facing the loss of anything we covet whether it is a loved one, income or even bodily harm is one of the greatest motivating factors a person can have for taking action to prevent the loss! Fearing anything strengthens our sense of purpose to do what it takes in order to rid ourselves of this fear. The discussion above shows the 'progression' we go through when faced with the potential loss of something we covet and how it will compel you into channeling your effort into avoiding the loss! In this way this particular emotion serves to make our efforts more purposeful and productive!

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Success Breeds Confidence But What Happens When Things Go All Pear-Shaped?

Do you lack confidence when it comes to certain situations? It could be anything: dancing, playing sport, chatting with strangers, doing your job, making love. Those who lack a natural talent for some activity tend to avoid doing it. So they are less likely to acquire needed skills for a good performance and the boost that comes with deserved appreciation. But you can improve your exam confidence by fine-tuning your study skills. You can improve your social and occupational confidence by dressing to look your best. Nothing breeds confidence as much as success.

A person may be confidently dealing with the rapid rate of change after leaving their parents, making their way in the world, getting on well in a chosen job, finding a loving partner, and forming a new home; family, social and work relationships progressing satisfyingly. Yet, even confident people can get unstuck somewhere along the line.

The trouble is the future is uncertain and things sometimes have a habit of going pear-shaped just as you have started to get a bit complacent about life. There you were, outwardly doing well, when a time comes when something appears to hinder your path. The close friend with whom you spend a lot of time announces his or her decision to emigrate, the boss turns round one day saying the company you work for has gone bust, or the doctor suddenly announces those minor ailments you were having are signs of a deteriorating illness. There may be a crisis of doubt. Whatever the reason, life shakes your self-confidence and you no longer trust in your own abilities to save the day.

Calamities oblige us to reconsider the bigger picture. You may find yourself contemplating your lot and reflecting on the life you were leading and the society you were keeping. Then you are perhaps more likely to start to notice some contradictions around you such as the beauty of nature and the ugliness of mankind's world of industry; the innocence of infancy and animals compared with the scheming deceit sometimes found in human commerce and politics. Another example for some is the trust shown in them by their children compared with the distrust they sometimes feel for their colleagues and neighbours. Thinking about such matters, you may realise you have tended to take for granted some of the givens of your world without deeper questioning.

So when it comes down to it, in what can we place our confidence? In our own abilities? In the ideas of others? Or in something beyond all of us? One example of the last of these three possibilities is to do with what the psychologist Abraham Maslow called 'the whole of Being'.

He had studied exceptional people. The ideal values of what he termed 'Being' that he found in these individuals included justice, beauty and truth.

You may remember the final movement of Beethoven's ninth symphony - said by many to be one of the most triumphant and joyful movements in all music. Yet, the composer wrote it at a time when he suffered disappointment in love. At one level, his life was a negative experience with everything around him seeming to overpower him. The music, however, shows his intense inner life that could be both joyful and at peace, despite the adversity of his outer world. Within was an ideal view of life that he carried within himself, but which the world could not meet.

Maslow labelled thoughts concerning such ideals as 'B cognition' (B for Being) that he distinguished from 'D cognition' (D for deficiency). This ties in with his distinction between growth and deficiency motivation. An example of a growth motive is an interest in finding meaning in adversity and an example of a deficiency motive is a need for comfort when hungry, cold and wet.

It is suggested that the more you can understand what has been called 'the whole of Being', then the more you would be able to tolerate what appears at first glance to be inconsistencies and contradictions in the way you think. Apparent opposites can disappear. For example the apparently opposite concepts of sickness and health may fuse and blur when, using 'B cognition', the symptom is seen as a pressure towards health. Another example is Swedenborg's concept of conjugal love that illuminates the seeming dichotomy of sexual desire and romantic attachment, for these are no longer opposite when both are present in the same loving relationship.

I am sure that what really provides confidence is not so much what you do in meeting your natural desire for comfort and status, but rather your activity to do with deeply held ideals and values associated with B thinking. A car mechanic will feel confidence in his work if he values providing a quality service thinking about how to do his best in a sincere, reliable and considerate manner. A shop keeper will feel confidence in his role if he values honest trading; not ripping off customers by selling out of date food or damaged goods but rather thinking about giving them sufficient time to see what things are actually spot on for their requirements. The confidence is in the value of the ethical principles that sustain your efforts.

Copyright 2011 Stephen Russell-Lacy

As a clinical psychologist, Stephen Russell-Lacy has specialised in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, working for many years with adults suffering distress and disturbance. His book 'Heart, Head and Hands' draws links between the psycho-spiritual teachings of the eighteenth century spiritual philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg and current ideas in therapy and psychology.

He edits Spiritual Questions a free eZine that explores links between spiritual philosophy and the comments and questions of spiritual seekers. Sign up to share your views and find out more about spiritual health.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

'Un-Herd' Of Behavior

As I sit here, my thoughts go to how my life has turned out so far. I am stunned and more than surprised at the life I now lead. Things have changed, people have changed and I have changed in ways I never could have anticipated. I guess that's how it is with life, huh? There's that "box of chocolates" philosophy-we never know what we're going to get.

I am walking through my fifty-seventh year on this earth. That in itself is a mind-boggler, considering mine was the generation that was never going to trust anyone over thirty! Somehow I never thought much about what getting older was going to be like. And, if I bent my brain to it at all, I am pretty sure that I thought it was going to be boring and gray. Well, I must say that beneath my tinted locks, my tresses are now gray, but my life is anything but a black-and-white kind of world.

My world is filled with the colors of creation and a Robin of which I never dreamed. I make presentations from a stage now. I write books and newsletters. I eat ice cream for dinner. This is a far cry from my younger days where a kind of "herd" mentality dictated my actions at any given point on an age-time continuum.

There were teen years of working so desperately to fit in. I was always trying to catch up with the nose that was running away with my face in those days, as I decided what I really wanted to do with my hair. I'm not even going to go to the boy "issues" of those years. It is funny and poignant for me to look back and realize that I actually thought of those poor pimpled pranksters as men!

College, marriage and motherhood were years also prescribed and organized. As I eyed the mark toed by all those around me, there were targets to hit and things to accomplish. Never did I want to admit, especially to myself, that I held very few of these "marks" in much appreciation. This was what I was supposed to do. And, being a tractable kind of gal, I simply followed the herd.

Then,with children pretty much raised and a marriage done, I started to look to my life as an uncharted adventure. There were really no more "must do's" or "get done's" that were expected of me. I got to start calling the shots. And, at first this was rather wobbly territory-rather shocked the shirt out of me!

I am delighted to report that the shock has now worn off completely. And, these later years of living are proving to be the most amazing of my life. I have my feet gracefully balanced on my path with joy and laughter, and haven't a clue where the herd is at all!

By Robin Korth

Insights On Aging

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Armors: Enduring Symbols of Bravery and Courage

It's been said that human history has been filled by a constant war among two parties-be it for the sake of a territory, a nation, a religion, and so on-many wars have been fought in the name of these points. Because of the need to protect the warriors from the enemies, the art of war has been developed to produce strategies, tactics, and tools-be it a medieval armor, breast plates, or even samurai helmets from ancient Japan. These have been developed to enhance one party's advantage over the other people. In relation to the a lot more vital, historical tools that have ever been produced by people, the body armor has got to be on the of the list, playing a key function in the art of warfare, eventually becoming signs of human bravery and courage.

Brief history
The very first metal armors which we're all familiar with were produced at a time when humans have already found out the use of metal in different every day applications. Armors first appeared in history some four thousand years ago. The Sumerians and Egyptians, two of the oldest civilizations in the world have already shown some moderate use of body armors despite the fact that they applied alternative supplies at that time. All through ancient history, from the Assyrians, Myceneans, and on to the Greek and Roman civilizations that followed, armors have already grow to be essential components of the military arsenal of these civilizations.

Over in Asia, the Chinese and Japanese civilizations have also designed their very own versions of the body armor. For the Japanese, the particular designs of their armors and samurai helmets can still be recognized to this very day. Back in Europe, when the older civilizations gradually broke apart and became independent kingdoms during the medieval period, the so-called full metal medieval armors came into existence. As much as this day, a lot of people's idea of what an armor looks like is patterned after different versions of the medieval armor.

Different kinds
The different types of material with which armors had been created were mostly dictated by the kind of technology that was offered for the duration of that time. For instance, back when metal was not yet widely used and made, ancient warriors only utilized variations of armors created from leather and/or cloth. Subsequently, when crude smelting methods had been made, the scale or lamellar armors had been developed. These are essentially made of tiny bits of scale-like metals that are attached on a leather or cloth backup material.

When the technology was already made such that larger metal pieces could be smelted and shaped into full-body armors, the plate armors came into being, after which subsequently developed into the even more sophisticated chain mail armor versions. The chain mail armor became synonymous to the medieval armor because of its popularity and widespread use at that time.At present, much more advanced technologies have helped usher in an much more high-tech version of the modern-day armor, that's, the Kevlar body suit, which is created of Kevlar, a powerful material that's flexible and pliant yet strong enough to serve as a bullet-proof vest.

All through history, daring men and women have fought against enemies under the defense of these armors. Their acts of valor, indeed, have been primarily assisted by these armors.

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It has been stated that human history has been fraught by a constant battle in between two parties-be it with regard to a territory, a country, a religion, and so on-many wars have been fought in the name of these points. As a result of the need to defend the warriors from the enemies, the art of war has been designed to produce strategies, tactics, and tools-be it a medieval armor, breast plates, or even samurai helmets from ancient Japan. These have been designed to enhance one party's advantage over the other people. With regards to the much more vital, historical tools that have ever been produced by people, the body armor has got to be on the top of the list, playing a major role in the art of warfare, eventually becoming symbols of human braveness and courage.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Get In The Right Mindset For That Important Interview

So you've landed that all important new media jobs interview thanks to your outstanding resume now its all about preparing yourself for the next step.

It is crucial that you are not just one of those applicants who look great on paper but don't deliver in the interview so make certain that you give yourself the best possible chance of passing the process with flying colours.

The first thing to do on receiving an interview invitation is to confirm all of the important details like the time and location before you attend in order to avoid any potential confusion.

Knowing when and where you have to go will allow you to plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to make the journey so that you arrive 15 minutes early to relax and get into the appropriate mindset.

Arriving with time to spare will give you the chance to reread the job specification and your own application so that you can tailor your answers to meet the requirements of the position in question.

One way to get into the right mindset for an interview is to dress smartly and although workplace dress codes may have become more casual in recent years, there is still not substitute for a suit and tie or conservative clothing.

Setting the tone is essential so ensure that you start correctly by shaking hands confidently, making eye contact while smiling and acting friendly throughout the whole process.

The next step to acing that new media jobs interview is to deliver your answers in the correct fashion as this is what you will be ultimately judged on so it is vital that you pitch yourself appropriately.

It is all about finding the correct balance with your answers because it is important not to ramble but you must not restrict yourself to one-word retorts as this may show that you do not know or cannot do something.

Try to agree with the interviewer whenever possible because the process is no place to prompt an argument and adopting this approach will most likely result in your application heading to the bin.

Remember that an interview is all about promoting your talents and achievements so always use "I" when describing successes that you have performed in the past as this will demonstrate the ability to work independently.

At the end of an interview it is crucial to ask a question because this will show that you have prepared effectively and that you are motivated about the new media jobs position.

Turning Your House Into A Home With The Right Furniture

What kind of residence do you wish to live in? If you move into a new residence, you might have no choice as to the architectural style but you might have a say when it comes to the decoration and furnishings. You may select the beds, end tables, along with other furniture which will best suit your requirements and preferences. The furniture that you simply decide on is important in helping you turn the home into a location where you can look forward to living - a place where you would like to go home to.

Furniture including beds, chairs, and end tables provides a room a particular function. The room where you put your bed makes it your bedroom and the bookshelves make it your library. Common materials utilized to create them include wood, metal, and glass. The styles vary from basic to elaborate, from innovative to antique reproductions. The designs of furniture really should complement or match the architectural interiors. However, you may also be as eclectic as you would like to be when deciding upon furniture such as the accent round table. Folks have diverse tastes. If you're preparing to impress other individuals whom you invite to your home with the interiors, it is going to be a tough order. You ought to just focus on what you want or what you prefer, after all, you're the one who has to live with your choices.

Just about every item in the room has a purpose. The accent round table specifically is an important piece of furniture since it can help make a room homey. You may put decorative items, travel souvenirs, candles, a little plant, vase, lamp, picture frames, your kid's art project, or any item that you wish to see you whenever you enter the room. It'll help give some personality to the room. Accent tables come with drawers, shelves, or cabinets which you can use to store keepsakes, photo albums, or magazines.
Although the furniture such as an accent round table has practical uses, it doesn't mean that you simply won't pay attention to the design. The look is just as vital as the function. If you cannot stand the sight of the furniture or decoration in a room, you'll not be able to stay there for long. The furniture need to make the room warm and inviting. You may want the room to look like it came out of the pages of a coffee table book and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it really should also have a individual touch.

It truly is also essential to keep in mind to opt for the size of the furniture properly. It has to be proportional to the size of the room and with the other pieces of furniture. Aside from the size, you should also consider the color and texture which you will use. Even if you are going to mix and match items, the overall impact need to be harmonious and balanced. It need to be pleasing to the eyes. It is possible to ask for help from a expert on the subject of the decoration and furnishings of the location, but make certain the location looks like your residence and not somebody else's.

What kind of home do you wish to live in? Whenever you move into a new residence, you might have no option as to the architectural design but you may have a say in relation to the decoration and furnishings. It is possible to select the beds, end tables, and other furniture which will best suit your needs and preferences. The furniture that you pick is vital in helping you turn the house into a location where it is possible to look forward to living - a place where you would like to go home to.